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Homeopathic aid kit 20 1.2
Soft Solutions
Homeopathic First Aid Kit 20 program willallow you to quickly select one of 20 homeopathic medicines. Itsuitable for injuries, poisoning, indigestion, colds, burns. Allowsyou to quickly stabilize the patient's condition, facilitate itsstate. A small number of products will allow you to take them tothe sea, camping, on a business trip. You will be able to helpthemselves and others in a critical situation if the doctor is notavailable.How does this work:20 wide steps homeopathic remedies - polychrests selected by doctor- homeopath.The program contains a database of key - the characteristic -symptoms for each of these remedies .You need to consistently select one of the main sections:injury, digestion, colds, cough.After that, you choose subsections.After that, become available a list of symptoms that describe thestate of the patient.Check the box in front of the appropriate symptoms.Press the "Chosen remedy" and get it done.If the program showed more than one remedy:Carefully read the list of symptoms. Selection of additionalsymptoms will more accurately determine the correct remedy.orRefer to the handbook Materia Medica. Find detailed description ofthe offered remedies. Select description that best suits thepatient's symptoms.This particularly applies to the category of COUGH, as cough is acommon symptom and the program only help you narrow down yourselection.We wish you do not get sick and stay healthy.
Homeopathic aid kit 20
Soft Solutions
NOTE: This version is designed forRussian-speaking users. For English-speaking users we havedeveloped a version of this application in English. See our otherapplications.Homeopathic First Aid Kit 20 program will allow you to quicklyselect one of 20 homeopathic medicines. It suitable for injuries,poisoning, indigestion, colds, burns. Allows you to quicklystabilize the patient's condition, facilitate its state. A smallnumber of products will allow you to take them to the sea, camping,on a business trip. You will be able to help themselves and othersin a critical situation if the doctor is not available.How does this work:20 wide steps homeopathic remedies - polychrests selected by doctor- homeopath.The program contains a database of key - the characteristic -symptoms for each of these remedies .You need to consistently select one of the main sections:injury, digestion, colds, cough.After that, you choose subsections.After that, become available a list of symptoms that describe thestate of the patient.Check the box in front of the appropriate symptoms.Press the "Chosen remedy" and get it done.If the program showed more than one remedy:Carefully read the list of symptoms. Selection of additionalsymptoms will more accurately determine the correct remedy.orRefer to the handbook Materia Medica. Find detailed description ofthe offered remedies. Select description that best suits thepatient's symptoms.This particularly applies to the category of COUGH, as cough is acommon symptom and the program only help you narrow down yourselection.We wish you do not get sick and stay healthy.
Materia Medica Phatak 1.5
Soft Solutions
Materia Medica Fataka- 410 portraits of homeopathic medications inRussian
Materia Medika Morrison 1.0
Soft Solutions
На РУССКОМ языке. Одна из лучших МатериаМедика по нашему мнению. Портреты препаратов даны очень четко,хорошо указаны сходства и различия близких по симптоматикепрепаратов. Приложение обеспечивает удобный просмотр и быстрыйпоиск.In Russian. One of thebest of Materia Medica in our opinion. Portraits drugs are veryclear, well indicated similarities and differences with similarsymptoms of drugs. The application provides easy viewing and quicksearch.
Детский гороскоп 1.3
Soft Solutions
Забавные описания помогут лучше понятьхарактер и поведение вашего ребенка по дате рождения и знакуЗодиака. Несмотря на юмористический подход, Детский Гороскоп даствам ценную информацию об особенностях вашего ребенка, позволитнайти правильный подход к процессу его воспитания.Funny descriptions willhelp better understand the nature and behavior of your child's dateof birth and zodiac sign. Despite the humorous approach, Children'shoroscope will give you useful information about your child willhelp you find the right approach to his upbringing.
Materia Medica Boericke 1.7
Soft Solutions
The most complete Homoeopathic Materia Medica by W. Boericke.
Materia Medica W.Boericke 1.4.1
Soft Solutions
One of the most complete Materia Medica W.Boericke.
Homoeopathic Repertorium
Soft Solutions
Designed for the selection of homeopathic remedies on the patient'ssymptoms.
Большая Аптечка Гомеопата 2.1.2
Soft Solutions
Will quickly find the most suitable of 650 homeopathic remedies.
Homeo Helper 2.0.0
Soft Solutions
Homeopathic repertory and Materia Medica.
Сундучок ароматов 1.4
Soft Solutions
The application contains a reference to the description of about160 essential oils.
Homeopathic Repertory 1.1.9
Soft Solutions
Homeopathic Repertory for Homeopathic Physicians.